Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 365

"It is not happy people who are thankful, 
it is thankful people who are happy"

Wow. I cannot believe it has already been one full year!

A little over one year ago, I decided some major changes needed to be made in my life so I could experience some major growth. This has been a huge year for me, full of joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, love and loss. It definitely didn't turn out how I had expected it, as the goals of increasing my growing pain tolerance and facing my fears I had set for myself no longer fit with my commitment of singleness, so the year with a single purpose took an unexpected turn. The singleness was intended for growth, and grow I have (I have no idea how to correctly finish that sentence, but you get my drift).

I have learned so much about myself, as cliche as it sounds. I dug in the closet and found some skeletons, some things I thought were skeletons but were actually just shadows being cast off of oddly placed sweaters, and some memorabilia from way back in the day that resulted in a little nostalgia (this is still an analogy... but spring cleaning is theraputic!). I talked with professionals, friends and family who want what's best for me and aren't afraid to tell it like it is (I'm looking at you, Francine), and I started making decisions on my own about my future... because I can!

Although this has been hard, if I could go back in time I'd do it again. That doesn't mean I'm committing to singleness for the rest of my life or even for another year (this is also not a modern-day classified ad advertising my unwed status), but I am definitely going to keep my habit of setting small goals, getting out of my comfort zone, asserting myself, making decisions and goals about my future, and overall moving forward.

Regardless of my relationship status, the blog will stay (I keep finding so many awesome things to share with you!) as long as I can manage to keep up with it, and yes, it was intended for single women rocking their young adult years, I'm hoping it stays full of good stuff for everyone and anyone is interested (or bored).

If you come across something that's at least semi-relevant and you'd like to share or write a guest post, I would LOVE to pass it along to this corner of the blogosphere.

Y'all are wonderful. :)


  1. Since I made friends who say y'all... and it slides off the tongue so much better than "all of you." Don't hate!
